Statement of Global ARM President Timothy Jemal Regarding Azerbaijan’s Attack on Nagorno-Karabakh The imposition of the so-called “cease-fire” agreement in Nagorno-Karabakh coerced through starvation and military aggression is illegitimate. Make no mistake: Aliyev and Putin joined together on this cowardice attack. Azerbaijan provided Russia with information prior to the attack and Russia openly and preemptively blamed Armenia for Azerbaijan’s attack on Nagorno-Karabakh. Aliyev ignored the International Court of Justice decisions and repeated calls from Secretary of State Blinken and other global leaders to reject violence, hatred and blockades against Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. In his September 6 testimony before The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Founding ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo called Azerbaijan’s actions even prior to these attacks genocide. In her September 14 testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ambassador Yuri Kim said “the United States will not countenance any action or effort— short-term or long-term—to ethnically cleanse or commit other atrocities against the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh”. In fact, Ambassador Luis Bono was in Yerevan and Baku this past week purportedly pushing for the end of blockades and non-violent solutions. Baku once again defied United States by blatantly ignoring our position. Armenia declared that it is not Russia’s ally when it comes to the Ukraine war, and has sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine, only to be subjected to serious threats by Moscow; the massacres in Nagorno-Karabakh has all the hallmarks of retribution by the Moscow-Baku alliance. This is clear Russo-Azerbaijani retribution for the military exercises that Armenia conducted with U.S. forces. Aliyev initiated this attack while American soldiers were still on the ground in Armenia. Nagorno Karabakh has become a black box with almost no communication or connection with the outside world. There are thousands of missing people in Nagorno Karabakh. Many family members cannot find each other: parents cannot find their children, children cannot find their parents, sisters cannot find their brothers…Residential areas are cut off from each other, people’s fates are unknown. In addition to all this, there is a lack of food, communication, electricity, gas, medicine and basic necessities of life, all of which increasing the sufferings of people. Azerbaijan is intermittently cutting internet connection so that the atrocities they are committing occur in the dark including killing children. Because of lack of communication, finding out whether family members have been killed is particularly difficult. Azerbaijan continues denying access to USAID, NGOs, civil society groups and UN special rapporteurs. What is clear is that under no circumstances can the Armenian people of Artsakh live safely and freely under the rule of Azerbaijan. Over a century of evidence has documented harassment, discrimination, cultural and religious desecration and genocide by Azerbaijan. Putin and Aliyev also seek the destruction of Armenia. Both of these despots want a weak, non-democratic vassal state like Belarus. And with the full-backing of Turkey’s Erdogan, Armenia’s existence a democratic, pluralistic society is under serious threat. These developments seriously harm U.S. interests in the South Caucasus region. More importantly, there is a duty to prevent this genocide. The following 10 actions must be undertaken immediately:
  1. UN Security Council Resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s military aggression and demanding immediate access to Nagorno-Karabakh by the UN (including UNESCO), ICRC and International NGOs
  2. Similar to UN Resolution 244 in Kosovo, immediately authorize an international security presence in Nagorno-Karabakh
  3. USAID gaining access to Nagorno-Karabakh to conduct a humanitarian assistance assessment
  4. Statement from President Biden condemning Azerbaijan’s attack and reaffirming the long-held view of the U.S. government that there is a duty to prevent genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh and that there will be no lasting peace in Nagorno-Karabakh under a military solution
  5. International mediation between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan with genuine rights and securities for Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is hostage taking for Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh to negotiate with Aliyev without international mediation
  6. Sweeping sanctions against the government of Azerbaijan including OFAC and Magnitsky sanctions on government leaders and companies in Azerbaijan
  7. Immediate suspension of all U.S. security assistance to Azerbaijan
  8. Unconditional and immediate withdrawal of Azerbaijani security forces and military installations from the Republic of Armenia
  9. Unconditional and immediate release of all Armenian POWs from Azerbaijani custody
  10. Emergency security assistance to Armenia


Azerbaijan Launches Another Major Military Attack Against Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan Again Defies Calls from U.S. Secretary of State Blinken to Refrain from Military Action

Azerbaijan’s Uses False Pretext of “anti-terrorist” Operations to Attack and Target Civilians

Putin and Aliyev Join Forces to Continue Genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh

Dozens of Members Congress Condemn Attack and Call for US Sanctions and Action from the UN Security Council

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Armenia Foreign Ministry Statement

Nagorno-Karabakh MFA Statement

At least 200 persons have been officially reported as dead, including 10 civilians, of which 5 are children

More than 400 persons wounded

More than 40 civilians injured, among whom 13 are children

Schools bombed with drones

Amaras Monastery, the culturally significant 4th-century monastery home to the first school for the teaching of the Armenian Alphabet, where the grandson of the founder of the Armenian Apostolic Church is buried, has been occupied by the Azerbaijani forces

Over 7,000 people evacuated from 16 Settlements In Karabakh.

UN Security Council to Convene Urgent September 21 Meeting on Nagorno-Karabakh

Spokesman for the Secretary-General Statement

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Nagorno-Karabakh Forced to Accept Illegitimate Agreement After Dozens Killed

Nagorno-Karabalh Taken Hostage by Azerbaijani Forces

Kremlin rejects criticism over inaction in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

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At approximately 1 p.m. on September 19, Azerbaijani Armed Forces launched a wide-scale attack against Nagorno-Karabakh. There are reports of shelling on the Line of Contact, in the residential areas of the capital Stepanakert, in towns and villages. According to Artsakh’s Defense Army, fighting continues along the entire line of contact.

The New York Times: Azerbaijan Begins a Military Operation in Nagorno-Karabakh

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CNN: Azerbaijan Launches Operation Against Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh

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Reuters: Azerbaijani Forces Strike Armenian-Controlled Karabakh, Raising Risk Of New Caucasus War

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Photos of the week

Wounded children in a Nagorno-Karabakh hospital (Sept. 19-21, 2023).

The Washington Post: Fighting Flares Between Azerbaijan And Armenia In Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan says it launched an ‘anti-terrorist’ campaign in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region under Armenian control, as mortar fire and air-raid sirens are heard.

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AP News: Fighting Flares Again In A Breakaway Region In The Caucasus Mountains

Thomas de Waal, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Europe think tank, said the military operation could be part of a plan by Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev to get ethnic Armenians to leave the area.

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Aliyev Ignores Blinken’s Call To Immediately Stop Azerbaijan Military Aggression Against Karabakh

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has ignored US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s call to immediately stop the Azerbaijani military aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh.

United States Calls on Azerbaijan To Cease Military Actions in Nagorno-Karabakh

The United States is deeply concerned by Azerbaijan’s military actions in Nagorno-Karabakh and calls on Azerbaijan to cease these actions immediately, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said in a statement.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Statement

Members of Congress Condemn Azerbaijani Attacks

Rep. Chris Smith Urges Immediate UN Action to Protect Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh Amidst Rising Threats from Azerbaijani Government

‘Now more than ever, President Biden must immediately push the United Nations Security Council to establish a mandate and peacekeeping mission to protect the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh..The people of Nagorno-Karabakh are in a moment of grave danger. ‘

Read The Full Statement

Menendez: We Must Hold Aliyev Accountable And Provide Immediate Support To Armenians In Nagorno-Karabakh

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Senators Padilla, Rubio Condemn Azerbaijan’s Unwarranted Military Escalation

‘The Biden Administration, and our international allies, must forcefully condemn this military aggression and demand a peaceful resolution that puts a stop to these human rights violations. The United States should immediately halt all security assistance to Azerbaijan, as demanded under section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.’

Read The Full Statement

Armenian Congressional Caucus Co-Chairs React To Unprovoked Attacks On Karabakh

‘The United States should use every diplomatic tool, including sanctions, to help guarantee their right to remain there. We call on the State Department and our international partners to take immediate action to halt any further aggressions by Azerbaijani forces and ensure their safety and security,” the Members continued.’

Read The Full Statement

Menendez: Azerbaijan’s Brazen Assault on Nagorno-Karabakh Proves Malicious Intention To Wipe Out The Armenian Population

‘The U.S. and international community must act’, – Bob Menendez, the head of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, wrote about this on his X account.

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Brownback: I denounce in the strongest possible terms this unprovoked attack by Azerbaijan on the peaceful Armenian Christians of Nagorno-Karabakh! This is wrong. It is an attack on civilians and it must cease immediately

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Senators Want Stronger U.S. Action Against Azerbaijan’s Blockade Of Karabakh

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-NJ) leads a committee scrutiny into U.S. policy on Azerbaijan’s genocidal blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) in a hearing featuring testimony by Acting Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Yuri Kim.

“The United States will not countenance any effort or action, short term or long-term, to ethnically cleanse or commit other atrocities against the Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh,” said Yuri Kim.

The senators seemed unconvinced by her assurances. Ben Cardin said Washington’s failure to take ‘decisive action’ means that ‘more people are dying’ in Karabakh every day.’

Robert Menendez accused Azerbaijan of committing ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh and said that the U.S. should consider imposing sanctions.

‘I would hate to see that this administration stands by and allows ethnic cleansing to take place on their watch and under their eye. We don’t have to wait for reports of what happened a decade later. It’s happening in real time,’ said Menendez.

The Honorable Yuri Kim

Reps. Adam Schiff And Jake Auchincloss Urging Congress To Cut Off Aid To Azerbaijan

‘The ongoing blockade of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan has cut off essential aid to over 120,000 people. Time is of the essence. The blockade must end,’ Rep. Schiff said in a video message.

World Leaders, NGOs Condemn Azerbaijan’s Military Aggression

The Foreign Ministers of Lithuania, Belgium, Latvia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Estonia, Luxembourg, Austria all issued statements calling on Azerbaijan to immediately cease their military attack against Nagorno-Karabakh.

ICRC Calls For Civilians To Be Protected In Nagorno-Karabakh

Read The Full Statement

Council Of Europe Secretary General Calls On Azerbaijan To Immediately Halt Military Actions

‘I deplored that innocent, vulnerable civilians, who have already been suffering an acute humanitarian crisis in the region, once again bear the brunt of the use of force. This cannot be tolerated.’

Read The Full Statement

MEP Viola Von Cramon Calls For Sanctions Against The Political Elite Of Azerbaijan

‘The Aliyev’s ‘anti-terrorist operation’ in NK is a code-word for ethnic cleansing of Armenians. Putin gave Aliyev a green light to topple the democratic government of Nikol Pashinyan.

EU must urgently impose sanctions on political elite and provide Government with all the help they need,’ the politician wrote in her X account.

Freedom House Strongly Condemns Azerbaijani Government’s Violent Attacks in Nagorno- Karabakh

The Washington-based Freedom House think tank has strongly condemned Azerbaijan’s violent attacks in Nagorno-Karabakh and warned that any attempt to forcibly change the region’s demographics is illegal and unacceptable.

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Nagorno Karabakh: Urgent Need For Immediate Ceasefire, Says EU

In a statement released by EU High Representative Josep Borrell, the EU condemned the military escalation along the Line of Contact and in other locations in Karabakh. ‘This military escalation should not be used as a pretext to force the exodus of the local population,’ Borrell said.

Read The Full Statement

PACE President Calls On Azerbaijan To Cease Fire Immediately

‘This surely represents a major blow to the prospects of achieving sustainable peace and stability in the South Caucasus.’

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In the past week, Azerbaijan has violated the ceasefire in Armenia over 8 times.

Time: The U.S. Keeps Failing Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh

The Biden Administration can use Thursday’s upcoming emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council convened by France to pursue robust guarantees for Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenians.

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CNN: Is One of Russia’s Oldest Allies Slipping From The Kremlin’s Orbit?

‘Since the war in 2020, Russia has been very reluctant to choose between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which concretely meant that they chose Azerbaijan. It’s a passive attitude. But this passivity in itself is a very pro-Azerbaijan position..I don’t think Pashinyan is the kind of leader Putin likes. He’s been brought to power by a revolution. He has this democratic, reformist, anti-corruption discourse. Aliyev is much more the kind of leader Putin can get along with,’ says Marie Dumoulin, director of the Wider Europe program at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

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The Telegraph: Azerbaijani Forces Using Russian-Style Symbols Are Massing On The Border of Armenia

Azerbaijan’s military is building up its forces near Armenia and has painted its vehicles with ‘war markings’ similar to ones used by the Russian army before it invaded Ukraine.

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Humanitarian Disaster Could Lead To New War On Europe’s Border

A Russia-brokered cease-fire ended the violence but left the region vulnerable. Azerbaijan recaptured territory around Nagorno-Karabakh’s capital, now connected to Armenia by a small opening called the Lachin Corridor. Russian peacekeepers are stationed in the area, ostensibly to keep the peace and allow freedom of movement. But with Moscow now tied up in Ukraine, the small number of Russian troops still in the Caucasus have proven ineffectual.

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Armenians Protest Over Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Blocking Russia’s Embassy in Yerevan

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Translation: Putin&Aliyev are murderers. Freedom for Karabakh and Ukraine

Eagle Partner Exercise Builds Upon Longstanding U.S. Armenian Security Cooperation

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What Should America Do Now In Nagorno-Karabakh?

  • Azerbaijan’s military conquest should not push aside the ongoing investigations of severe human rights abuses and torture and executions of prisoners of war stemming from the 2020 war. The best resource on these cases rests in a repository at the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University assembled by now-Georgetown University Scholar David Phillips and his able team.
  • Second, will Congress assess how recent waivers of Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act contributed and enabled the Azerbaijani military action? Will any diplomats from the Trump or Biden administrations be held accountable by Congress for flagrant violations of U.S. law?
  • Third, what will the United States do to ensure preservation of cultural heritage? While the Hudson Institute’s Luke Coffey says, “There is no religious dimension to this conflict,” such a statement is patently false. Put aside the rhetoric of Al Qaeda-affiliated mercenaries from 2020. There is a long history of the Aliyev regime destroying Christian sites or seeking to erase Armenian heritage.
  • Fourth, the State Department should immediately dispatch multiple diplomats from the US Embassy in Baku to Stepanakert to monitor the situation. Atrocities occur in the dark. If Azerbaijan has nothing to hide, then it will not impede diplomats visiting beleaguered, Christian populations on land Azerbaijan controls.
  • Congress should demand the State Department release a report assessing the Azerbaijani constitution and the independence of the Azerbaijani judiciary. Does the State Department believe that the Aliyev family is subordinate to Azerbaijani law or above it? Does Blinken believe that Azerbaijani will, for example, bring to justice those seen beheading or mutilating prisoners on video?

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Can The Joe Biden Administration ‘Flip’ Armenia?

Dr. Michael Rubin, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute says: ‘The danger now is a lack of sustained focus in American policy circles. Within the State Department, it is too easy to believe that there must always be a compromise between good and evil. But moral clarity is paramount, and American interests should always rest with the former while they oppose the latter.’

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Ilham Aliyev: The Face Of Crimes Against Armenians

‘While this terrible crisis continues, let’s speak up to our U.S. political representatives in Washington, D.C. about Artsakh’s struggling families and individuals. Let’s lift up their dangerous and heartbreaking circumstances in prayer. And let’s keep those innocent children, men and women, and their lifeand-death needs in mind when we bless our food, our homes, and our own families,’ says Lela Gilbert, Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom at Family Research Council and Fellow at Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom.

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Genocide Warning In Nagorno-Karabakh

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