
US, EU Adopt Joint Statement Calling for Peace in the South Caucasus Following US-EU Summit

Call for Non-Use of Force and Threat of Use of Force which Azerbaijan has Repeatedly Ignored

U.S.-EU Summit Joint Statement

Evidence of Azeri War Crimes in Nagorno-Karabakh Bodies of Victims of Azeri Attack in Nagorno-Karabakh Show Signs of Torture, Mutilation Armenian Human Rights Defender Hosted USAID Delegation, Presented Cases of Torture, Mutilation and Ill-Treatment by Azerbaijani Forces
Azerbaijan Continues Cultural Genocide: Turning Shushi’s Holy Ghazanchetsots Cathedral into Mosque Photos shows that the domes of the historic Armenian church have been removed, and the historical and architectural appearance of the building has been distorted. During the 44-day war in 2020, Azerbaijan bombed the Armenian cathedral twice. ​Photo courtesy of Emmanuel Dunand
“Azerbaijani authorities have repeatedly said that everyone’s rights will be protected in Nagorno-Karabakh, yet such assurances are difficult to accept at face value after decades of conflict, impunity for alleged crimes, including against civilians during hostilities, the Azerbaijani government’s overall deteriorating human rights record, and the recent Azerbaijan-imposed, nine-month de facto blockade of the region, which left the Armenian population without enough food, medicine, and fuel.”

-Human Rights Watch

World Leaders, NGOs Condemn Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

Council of Europe Issues Statement on Armenia and Azerbaijan

Calls on Azerbaijan to Ensure Karabakh Armenians’ Right to Live in Their Homes in Dignity

Urges Azerbaijan to Comply with the Interim Measures Indicated by the ECHR on 22 September

​EU Statement on Armenia/Azerbaijan

Austrian Parliament Condemns Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh Perpetrated by Azerbaijan Calls for Support for Armenia, Protection of Armenian Cultural and Religious Heritage Calls for Ensuring International Access to Nagorno-Karabakh The Austrian Parliament unanimously passed a resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s military actions in Nagorno-Karabakh. ‘Even in the current ethnic cleansing, the international community only watched,’ Belakowitsch warned that Azerbaijan should be condemned. ‘It is important to ensure that such ethnic cleansing does not take place in the south of Armenia,’ said Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic.

Germany MP: Azerbaijan Has Lost Trust of International Community

Condemns Azerbaijani Use of Military Force Against Nagorno- Karabakh

Calls for Sanctions Against Azerbaijan
The German MP called his current visit “a message of support to Armenia” and a warning to thedictatorial regime of Azerbaijan that a military threat will not be tolerated in Europe.

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Spanish Senate Adopts Statement Condemning Azerbaijan

Expresses Strongest Condemnation of the Unjustifiable

Military Operations Carried out by Azerbaijan

Expresses rejection of the failure by Azerbaijan to comply with the obligations under the ceasefire and the binding orders of ICJ

Underlines Azerbaijan’s Responsibility to Guarantee the Rights and Security of Nagorno-Karabakh

Urges Azerbaijan to Allow the Entry of International Observers

Spanish Senators have adopted a declaration condemning Azerbaijan’s actions in Nagorno- Karabakh.

Canada FM Reaffirmed Support for Sanctions on Azerbaijan ​Canadian Senator Calls for Sanctions Against Azerbaijan, Int’l Peacekeeping Force to Ensure Return of Armenians to Nagorno- Karabakh Read More Here

Dutch Parliament Calls for Military Support to Armenia

Asks the Government to Call on EU-member States to Respond Positively to Armenian Request for Military Support

The Dutch parliament adopted two motions by a large majority: regarding military support to Armenia and on ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh.

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ALDE Notes the Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh
Calls For Deploying a UN Peacekeeping Mission in Nagorno-Karabakh

Calls For Targeted Sanctions on Azerbaijani Officials Responsible for Multiple Ceasefire and Human Rights Violations and War Crimes in Nagorno- Karabakh

Calls For Diversification of Oil and Gas Supply to Decrease Western Dependency on Azerbaijan

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

ICRC Searching for Signs of Life in Nagorno-Karabakh After Forced Deportations by Azerbaijan

A small number of people remain in their homes, either by choice or because they were unable to leave by themselves. Some require medical help or food and water. Others are requesting assistance in contacting loved ones or securing transport to leave.

HRW: Nearly All of the Region’s 120,000 Ethnic Armenians Fled

One Family’s Flight to Armenia

‘Whatever warm clothing our family was able to pack were in the
tractor grandpa was riding. We were shivering all night from the cold
because the car was moving half a meter per hour. An old man died in a truck close to us. He was too sick, too frail..The cold, the hunger, the thirst, we were half-dead ourselves by the time we arrived at the border.’

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Photos of the week

An ethnic Armenian refugee sleeping inside the truck in the village of Zorak, Armenia. There are no longer any vacant houses in the village. Families are forced to shelter together.

Photo Courtesy of Ani Gevorgyan

Keys hang from a tapestry at a school in Aralez, Armenia, representing the keys of homes left behind by the survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. This school is now welcoming in children from Nagorno-Karabakh who have been forced to flee their homes in 2023.

Photo Courtesy of Scout Tufankjian

UNICEF: 1 in 3 Children Forcibly Displaced from Nagorno- Karabakh Still Do Not Have Access to Education

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France Sends Weapons to Armenia Amid Fears of More Azerbaijani

Azerbaijan Already Occupies 150 square Kilometers of Armenia

There are fears in Armenia that Azerbaijan could push across the
internationally recognized border yet again and seize the southern
region of Syunik, which Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has previously said should host a “corridor” connecting his country to its exclave of Nakhchivan, which is split from the rest of Azerbaijan by Armenian territory.

Azerbaijan Could Invade Armenia. The U.S. Must Intervene

Despite celebrating Armenia as a democracy, the U.S. has been cautious to reprimand its petro-aggressor. Even after last month’s ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Biden administration has merely extended the non-renewal of a statutory sanction on Azerbaijan, rather than imposing targeted financial sanctions. The coming weeks may prove to be the next test.

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What Unites Russia, Turkey, Iran And Azerbaijanis In Hatred Of Armenia?
By Michael Rubin

The deeper answer, however, is historical. Where Armenians go, democracy follows..The White House and various think tanks may
propose peace talks or various schemes to bring peace to the South
Caucasus, but none of these will succeed so long as the tension between Armenia’s democracy and its neighbors’ autocracies continues. Rather than seeking concessions from a democracy, then, perhaps a smarter strategy would be to encourage the spread of freedom to Armenia’s neighbors. Only then can there be a true, natural, and sustainable peace between Armenia and its neighbors.

Matthew Miller: Iran and Russia are Unreliable Partners

“So with respect to the Armenia-Azerbaijan question of it, we welcome any good-faith engagements that contribute to peace and stability for the people of the South Caucasus regardless of where those talks happen or who is hosting them. But that being said, we recognize the South Caucasus’ delicate geographic position regarding Iran and Russia, but we have not found these countries to be reliable partners, to understate matters,” Miller said

Why Erdogan Is Unlikely to Cut Ties With Hamas By Sinan Ciddi With Erdogan’s full awareness, Hamas maintains political offices in Turkey, and Hamas leaders, including Khaled Mashal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Saleh al-Arouri, have openly met with Erdogan many times. In the cases of Arouri and Haniyeh, Ankara has provided them with Turkish passports and residency, which has allowed them to travel internationally unhindered. Arouri, Hamas’s so-called West Bank chief, is a U.S.-designated terrorist with a $5 million bounty on his head. He celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre on social media and is likely one of the masterminds of the attacks. Read More Here

Azerbaijan’s Victory Over Armenian Enclave Raises Fears of Another War

By Polina Ivanova

For decades, Aliyev united the country around the trauma of losing the 1990s war, and built his personal legitimacy around the battle to retake Karabakh. His military triumph has bolstered his popularity and leaves few Azerbaijanis concerned about a crackdown on activists that, in its latest iteration, saw six people jailed for supporting peace. Armenians watching anxiously for signs of what Aliyev might do next have previously been alarmed when he referred to southern Armenia as “western Azerbaijan” and set up a society dedicated to the rights of Azerbaijanis whose origins can be traced back to that region.

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Understanding the Armenia-Iran Relationship

By Michael Rubin

The Armenia-bashing of some analysts is deeply dishonest and comes at a substantial moral cost for the United States. Armenia is a country of genocide survivors. It is the first and only remaining Christian nation in the Middle East. Today, Russia, Turkey, and Iran jointly hold it hostage. It is an American interest to free Armenia from their grip rather than sacrifice it and other pro-Western democracies for the illusion of Azerbaijan and Turkish support. It is time to base American policy on reality, not endless Twitter repetition of the big lie.

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To Reinforce the Rules Based Order, the West Must Back Armenia By Len Wicks As the “Leader of the Free World,” the United States has shamefully done no better than the Kremlin. It has funded Azerbaijan to support a proxy war with Iran, while successive presidential administrations have presented these actions to Congress as preventing terrorism in order to justify a Section 907 waiver, opening the door to direct US aid to Azerbaijan where previously Azerbaijan was ineligible. The United States and its allies must now protect Armenia against the consequences of its actions, which effectively supported ethnic cleansing and coerced a naïve Armenian government to abandon Armenians of Artsakh. Read More Here
Second Armenian Genocide is Underway By Uzay Bulut Many parallels can be drawn between what happened during the 1915 Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey and the 2020-23 Armenian genocide in Artsakh: the arrests of community leaders, the desecration of churches, and using starvation as a method of elimination. The greatest similarity between the perpetrators of those two crimes is their clear intent to commit genocide.

Azerbaijan’s Shift To Hamas Shows Its Cynicism

By Michael Rubin

Azerbaijan’s tilt toward Hamas in the current crisis comes after Hamas

congratulated Azerbaijan on its victory in Nagorno-Karabakh, an action that led to the mass exodus of the region’s millennia-old indigenous Christian community..As Azerbaijan shifts closer to Hamas, the major questions Israel should ask is whether the weaponry they provided Baku for use against Armenians may end up being turned against Israel itself, perhaps via Palestinian groups, in the service of the Azerbaijani regime’s new emphasis on Islamic solidarity.

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Armenian Lives Must Be Acknowledged and Protected — Not Forgotten Again
By Salpi H. Ghazarian

This is the greatest Armenian catastrophe since the genocide of
Ottoman Armenians in 1915, and it has already vanished from international headlines. It’s been eclipsed by another catastrophe that is bearing out the same inescapable truth on the backs of innocent Israelis and Palestinians: that an unresolved political conflict — or one resolved unjustly — only breeds more injustice.
We don’t lack for lessons or slogans: “Never Again” sounds good. But even as we keep saying it again and again, we allow preventable injustice to happen, again and again.

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Armenian Christianity Preserves the Eastern Memory of the Church
By Delphine Allaire and Christopher Wells

Armenia was the first kingdom to adopt Christianity as its state religion. Its two-thousand-year-old religious, spiritual and architectural heritage bears witness to the importance of keeping the Christian presence alive and rooted in the Caucasus.

Israel war: Biden funds Hamas but Turns his Back on Nagorno-Karabakh Christians By Michael Rubin In effect, Biden shows a double standard: He rewards terrorists and turns his back on its victims. As a result, one of the world’s oldest indigenous communities was destroyed. Rather than get meaningful assistance, all they got was a letter promising his “strong support” amid Armenian “mourning” and a brief photo-op by Samantha Power, the USAID administrator who now will channel tens of millions of dollars to Hamas. Christians, proponents of democracy, and victims of terrorism should be outraged.