
Azerbaijan’s Unrelenting Aggression:

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Azerbaijan Escalates “U.S. Spy” Rhetoric, Arrests Another Journalist

Azerbaijani pro-government media’s attacks against “U.S. spies” started after the country’s relations with the U.S. deteriorated over disagreements on peace negotiations with Armenia and Washington’s move to boost support for Armenia.

UN Special Rapporteur: Azerbaijan Plans to Eliminate all Physical Signs of Armenians’ Presence in Karabakh

In a communication addressed to Azerbaijan, the UN Special Rapporteur on cultural rights expressed concern regarding Azerbaijan’s ongoing pattern of destroying and appropriating Armenian historically, culturally and religiously significant sites and objects.

“The military attacks of September 19 and 20, 2023, have also been described as aiming for the complete surrender of Armenians. Allegedly, once the region is cleansed of ethnic Armenians, Azerbaijan has planned to further eliminate all physical indications of the presence of Armenians,” states the report.

Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights

Armenia Convenes Talks after Russia Bars its Trucks Amid Diplomatic Spats

International Law Expert: Armenians Detained in Azerbaijan Subjected to Torture and Inhumane Treatment

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U.S. Congress

Senator Risch Calls Out Turkey For Transnational Aggression During Today’s Hearing

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Senator James Risch (R-ID) called out Turkey for transnational aggression during today’s full Committee hearing.

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Padilla, Eshoo Lead Bipartisan, Bicameral Letter Requesting Aid for Armenia in Upcoming National Security Bill

Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.-16) led a bipartisan group of 60 lawmakers in calling on Senate and House leaders to include military and humanitarian aid for Armenia in national security supplemental appropriations bill.

Full Text of the Letter

Rep. Barbara Lee: “Business as Usual” Can’t Continue with Azerbaijan

“In June, I led my 59 of my colleagues in asking Secretary Antony Blinken to not waive Sec 907, and to cut off military aid to Azerbaijan. Thank you Secretary Antony Blinken for making clear that “business as usual” can’t continue with Azerbaijan,” Lee wrote in her X account.

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World Leaders, NGOs Condemn Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

CBN Reports Potential Genocide in Armenia: Gordon Peterson Urges Immediate Action Against Azerbaijan and Turkey, Calls for Strong Support to Defend Armenia

“Do not forget your true Christian brothers and sisters in Armenia that are being attacked and forcibly removed from their homelands right now. To say Armenia is part of Azerbaijan goes against history, against archaeology, it goes against everything. Write to your Senator, write to your Congressman, write to the White House – lets mobilize support to say: “No, not on our watch, you don’t get to wipe Armenia off the map.” – Gordon Peterson.

CFTJ Fact-Finding Mission Exposes Azerbaijan’s Another Desecration of Historic Cemetery in Shushi

The Center for Truth and Justice (CFTJ) has been documenting human rights violation sand war crimes against Armenians since the 2020 war in Nagorno-Karabakh. CFTJ set up fact-finding infrastructure in the region and has been collecting first-hand testimonies from victims.

During a fact-finding mission by CFTJ it was discovered that Azerbaijan has completely desecrated yet another cemetery in Shushi.

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Latvian Parliamentary Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Armenia Adopted the Statement Azerbaijani Aggression in Nagorno-Karabakh

  • Condemns Azerbaijan’s military aggression in Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Calls on Azerbaijan to ensure the human rights of the Nagorno- Karabakh Armenians, as well as the safe return and residence of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Underlines a strong support for Armenia’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders.
  • Calls the Member States of the EU to continue providing humanitarian assistance to Armenia and the victims of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
  • Calls for strengthening the activities of the EU Armenia Mission.

The Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the Republic of Armenia Statement on the Aggression Perpetrated by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh

Christian Solidarity International Strongly Condemns Azerbaijani Intent to Eradicate Armenians in Occupied Homeland

On September 29 – ten days after Azerbaijan attacked Nagorno-Karabakh, nine days after the local Armenian forces lay down their weapons, when most Armenians had already fled to Armenia for safety – Azerbaijani forces shot a 10-year- old boy in the leg while he was riding his bike.

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European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs Calls for Sanctions against Azerbaijan

  • Supports ongoing peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which have been seriously hampered by the recent military operation against Nagorno-Karabakh and de facto ethnic cleansing.
  • Condemns Azerbaijan’s pre-planned and unjustified attack against the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians.
  • Demands the protection of the Armenian cultural, historical and religious heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh in accordance with UNESCO standards and Azerbaijan’s international obligations.
  • Calls on the EU to impose sanctions against the Azerbaijani authorities, which are responsible for numerous violations of the ceasefire.
  • Reaffirms its support for the democratically elected government of Armenia and expresses full respect for the country’s sovereignty, democracy, and territorial integrity.


Armenia’s UN Representative: International Community Confronts Genocide Signs in Nagorno-Karabakh as UN Fails to Fulfill Obligations

Remarks by Permanent Representative of Armenia at the Side Event to the 75th Anniversary of the Genocide Convention

Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

‘We are in a Zombie state’: Armenian Refugees Endure a Life in Limbo

Natasha Petrosyan,66, fled from the Martakert province of Nagorno- Karabakh to Goris, Armenia. She has nowhere to live and plans to travel to Yerevan:

“It was sudden. They started bombing at 1 p.m. on Sept 19. Around 2 p.m., our window burst open. A bomb fell into our backyard.

In the Stepanakert airport, kids were crying. Some had two kids; others had six. I stayed at the airport around four days, and then in someone’s backyard for six days. The road [to Armenia] took three days.

I could not imagine before that we would willingly leave our homes. And I cannot imagine that now. I want to go to a place where there is no shooting, where there is peace.”

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Baku’s Hostility Has Not Abated since the Fall of Nagorno- Karabakh

There is also little reason to believe the Azerbaijani government’s claims that it is willing to “reintegrate” any ethnic Armenians who choose to stay in Nagorno-Karabakh—particularly given that nearly all residents have

already fled, and did so precisely because they feared Azerbaijani rule. The Azerbaijani government seems likely to look for additional military victories and territorial gains.

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ICRC Director-General: Very few People Remain in Nagorno- Karabakh – Elderly and People with Disabilities
Director-General of the International Red Cross, Robert Mardini, states in an interview to Russian RTVI that the ICRC provides aid to around 20 Armenians that chose to remain in Nagorno Karabakh of over 100,000 after Azerbaijan’s offensive in September.

The Fight to Save Nagorno-Karabakh’s Burns Patients

As the exodus of Nagorno-Karabakh was unfolding, a massive explosion at a fuel depot struck the region’s population. Many of the survivors of the blast were brought to the Yerevan burn clinic — fighting for their lives after having lost the fight for their homes.

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Armenians Warn Ethnic Cleansing Risks being Forgotten – Again

Amid the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the ongoing war in Ukraine, the exodus of ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh is getting little media attention – to the chagrin of Armenians, who feel betrayed by the international community, for the third time.

“I’m the third generation of Armenian genocide survivors,” says Aline Kamakian, a chef and owner of a string of restaurants in Armenia and Lebanon who volunteers to help refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh. “I always thought that because there was no TV or internet at the time, that’s why the genocide arrived. Now, we are watching it live on the internet, and nobody’s moving.”

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Photos of the week

Despite leaving everything behind while fleeing Nagorno- Karabakh, an elderly refugee brought three cockatiels in a birdcage, finding joy and solace in their comforting presence.

Photo courtesy of Ani Gevorgyan

Hayasat-1, Armenia’s inaugural satellite, successfully launched into space on Friday courtesy of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Base, California.

Photo courtesy of Hetq

In Yerevan, Armenia, a specialized group within the VOMA center undergoes training to treat wounds, preparing for potential scenarios amid invasion fears.

Photo courtesy of VOMA center

After Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Karabakh, Refugees in Armenia Endure Difficult Journeys, Seek Shelter in Challenging Conditions, Facing Reports of Malnutrition, Especially Among the Elderly and Children


FM Mirzoyan: Baku Targeting Armenia’s Sovereign Territory

Armenia Marks New Era with French Military Purchases

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After Russia’s ‘Betrayal,’ Armenia Seeks new Allies to Ensure its Security
By Faustine Vincent

Armenia is drawing lessons from the fall of Nagorno-Karabakh. The
inaction of the Russian peacekeeping troops deployed in Nagorno-Karabakh when Azerbaijan attacked on September 19 confirmed what Yerevan has been condemning more and more openly for months: Russia is no longer a reliable partner. Distrust of Moscow has never been greater.

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Armenia-EU Meetings Signal Mutual Interest in Advancing Dialogue and Cooperation in Security and Defense
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EU Fact-Finding Mission Explores Opportunities to Enhance and Strengthen Relations with Armenia
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Defeated Armenia Looks to a New, Post-Russia Foreign Policy
By Mikayel Zolyan

What would a “post-Russia” Armenian foreign policy look
like? The most serious problem, of course, is still the
conflict with Azerbaijan and its Turkish backers. Azerbaijani officials have been less aggressive in their rhetoric since the seizure of Nagorno-Karabakh, but President Ilham Aliyev is in no hurry to sign any documents that would normalize relations.

Lithuanian Delegation, Accompanied by EU Observers, Tours Yeraskh Border Areas in Armenia; Halt in Construction of Armenian-American Metallurgical Plant Due to Azerbaijani Armed Forces’ Gunfire

World Council of Churches: Violations of Human Rights Escalate in Jerusalem affecting Armenian Christians

Israeli right-wing extremists have been harassing members of Jerusalem’s Armenian community protesting the razing of an important historic site.

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Rising Tensions Between Azerbaijan And West

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Head of USAID Armenia Mission: Armenia has Considerable Potential for Clean Energy Production

USAID Armenia Mission Director, John Allelo, highlights Armenia’s significant potential in clean energy production, particularly in solar energy and energy efficiency, during Energy Week 2023 in Yerevan.

American University of Armenia and Washington State University Partner with U.S. Embassy to Establish Center for Excellence in Journalism and Launch Master’s Program

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Did Azerbaijan Target Christians for its Dictator’s Personal Profit?
By Michael Rubin

Just five days after Yuri Kim, the acting assistant secretary of state,
told a Senate committee that the United States would not tolerate any military action against the Christian community in Nagorno-
Karabakh, Azerbaijan’s dictator ordered his army to attack. Thus
ended one of the world’s oldest Christian communities, as Azerbaijani forces pushed the region’s 120,000 men, women, and children into flight.

Artsakh Heritage: What Is Happening to Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian Monuments
By Simon Maghakyan

The ultimate goal of Azerbaijan’s current regime is indeed complete erasure. But at the moment it is not in a position to do so, at least not right away. There are three reasons for this.

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Ethnic Armenians have Fled a Once-Thriving Democracy in Artsakh after an Offensive by the Authoritarian Regime in Azerbaijan
By Paul Von Blum

Americans should be deeply concerned with all of this and take every step to ensure that a massive destruction of Armenian lives does not occur. Azerbaijan, like Turkey, continues to officially deny that 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Turks between of 1915 to 1923 in the first genocide of the 20th century.

The Story of a Betrayal: Why Russia Acquiesced in the Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh
By Rasmus Kanback

The decision to let the Russian troops passively watch as Azerbaijan, an authoritarian state, displaced over a hundred thousand people in flight was made by no one else but Moscow.

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