
Azerbaijani Forces Open Fire at Armenian Military Positions in Gegharkunik Province, Coordinates Released

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France Reportedly Ships More Military Equipment To Armenia

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Armenia Still Seeking Extradition of Suspected Azerbaijani War Criminal after Russia Released Him

U.S. Congress


A bipartisan resolution led by Senators Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) gains additional cosponsors. Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Bernie Sanders (D-VT) and Armed Services Committee Chair Jack Reed (D-RI) have joined as cosponsors of S.Res.540.

S. Res. 540 Text

S. Res. 540 requires that the Secretary of State provide a report on Azerbaijan’s human rights practices, including concerning allegations of human rights violations committed against ethnic Armenians, such as unlawful killings, torture, restrictions on freedom of movement, the illegal detention of political prisoners, and ethnic cleansing. Representative Adam Schiff (CA-30) has introduced a companion version of the resolution in the House of Representatives.

Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) Calls for Accountability and Action in Commemoration of Sumgait Pogrom and Ongoing Azerbaijani Aggression

  • Commemorates the 36th anniversary of the Sumgait pogrom.
  • Condemns the pattern of anti-Armenian violence in Azerbaijan.
  • Condemns Azerbaijan’s aggression in Nagorno-Karabakh, subsequent attacks, and the recent war on September 19, 2023, resulting in deaths, injuries, and displacement of ethnic Armenians.
  • Emphasizes the urgent need for holding Azerbaijan accountable, enforcing sanctions, and demanding the return of Armenian POWs and detainees.
  • Calls on the United States to pressure Azerbaijan to withdraw forces from Armenian territory, provide security assistance to Armenia, and safeguard Armenian cultural sites.

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Rep. Frank Pallone Commemorates Sumgait and Baku Pogrom Anniversaries, Calls for Action Against Azerbaijan’s Aggression

  • Condemns the horrific acts of violence perpetrated by Azerbaijan against hundreds of Armenian civilians in Azerbaijan, including indiscriminate killing, rape, mutilation, and burning alive;
  • Highlights the Azerbaijani government’s efforts over the last three decades to cover up these crimes against humanity and dismiss the atrocities committed in Sumgait and Baku.
  • Strongly criticizes the current Aliyev regime’s use of hateful rhetoric against Armenians.

Congressman Brad Sherman Urges Action for Armenians Displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh

“Good to speak directly to Samantha Power about the needs of over 120,000 Armenians who have been ethnically cleansed from Artsakh,” Sherman wrote in his X account.

U.S. Regional News

Los Angeles Supervisor Janice Hahn Urges Sanctions for Azerbaijan on 36th Anniversary of Sumgait Massacre

  • Expresses solidarity with Armenian victims and descendants of the Sumgait atrocities.
  • Highlights the plight of 120,000 Armenians from Artsakh who fled following a brutal military invasion by Azerbaijan.
  • Calls on the Biden Administration to sanction Azerbaijan under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.
  • Urges urgent humanitarian assistance for the 150,000 Armenians forcibly displaced from Artsakh since September 2020.
  • Calls on Congress to revoke the Presidential Waiver of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act to halt U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan.

World Leaders Condemn Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh, Aggression Towards Armenia

European Parliament Report Calls for Suspension of Oil and Gas Imports from Azerbaijan in the Event of Military Aggression

  • Condemns the policies of aggression, including the pre-planned military attack of Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh.
  • Suggests suspending the import of oil and natural gas from
    Azerbaijan in the event of any military aggression.
  • Reiterates its view that the attack carried out by Azerbaijan cannot remain without consequences, and calls for the EU to take sanctions against the Azerbaijani authorities responsible for multiple ceasefire violations, without necessarily limiting these sanctions solely to the political and military circles associated with President Aliyev.

Read the Report

Lemkin Institute Condemns Azerbaijan’s Military Escalations in Syunik Province, Warns of Genocidal Agenda Against Armenians

  • Expresses concern over Azerbaijan’s renewed aggressiveness following President Ilham Aliyev’s re-election, particularly regarding potential military actions in Armenia’s Syunik Province.
  • Urges urgent sanctions on Azerbaijan

MEP Angel Dzhambazki Condemns Azerbaijani Actions as Genocide Against Armenians, Calls for Equal Condemnation of Aggressors

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Europeans for Artsakh Movement Calls for Banning Azerbaijan from the 2024 Olympics

The movement has sent a letter to the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) concerning Azerbaijan’s participation in the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris and has called on the IOC to undertake concrete measures.

MEP Rasa Juknevičienė Urges EU to Strengthen Ties with Armenia, Calls on Azerbaijani Leaders to Share Responsibility for Regional Security

“Today I heard Kremlin misinformation channels aggressively attacking Prime Minister Pashinyan and referring to Armenian territory as Russia’s ‘underbelly’ – words that only a colonial empire would think to use,” Juknevičienė highlights the necessity and desire for closer ties with Armenia. Additionally, Juknevičienė calls upon the leaders of Azerbaijan to take responsibility for regional security.

‘Am Abgrund’: The story of Azerbaijan’s Influence in Europe

Imagine a story where intrigue and politics collide, revealing a world where influence is bought and sold behind closed doors. This isn’t fiction; it’s the real-life saga of Azerbaijan’s efforts to polish its image on the European stage despite its poor track record on human rights and freedoms.

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Driven by Fear from Nagorno-Karabakh

Survivor’s Story: Grandma Gemma Recounts Harrowing Abduction Experience in Nagorno-Karabakh

“Two Azerbaijani soldiers seized my legs while another gripped my arm, forcibly pulling me away. Clad in my robe, they twisted and manhandled me, subjecting me to a bath against my will. Their menacing demeanor unsettled me as they offered a cup of tea without any bread. I pleaded to lie down, covering my face with a blanket to shield myself from harm, but even then, a fly struck my eye with painful force. Meanwhile, my son endured severe beatings.”


A New Reality for Displaced Artsakh Armenians

The shock is gone, and so is the attention, it seems. What bothers Karabakh Armenians after the ethnic cleansing, in their new lives in Armenia?

Unheard Voices: Testimonies from Nagorno-Karabakh that went Unnoticed by the World

Irina Grigoryan, hailing from Sarushen village of Nagorno-Karabakh, lost her two sons, 24-year-old Gennady and 15-year-old Aren, in the gas station explosion in Stepanakert on September 25. They had accompanied their father to find transport for their family to Armenia. Earlier, on September 19, the family’s grandfather, Shabo Grigoryan, was killed by Azerbaijanis.

Monologues: The Homes They Lost in Artsakh

“I put bags full of food by the door. If there are hungry people left in the city, it could be helpful. We all did that..I took photos, some clothes, some gifts…And we left.”

Nune Arakelyan, a refugee from Nagorno-Karabakh

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EU Provides 15 Million Euros to Armenia to Support Refugees

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Armenian Foreign Minister Urges ICRC Cooperation on Forcibly Displaced, Repatriation, and Missing Persons

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Photos of the week

Local Armenians protest in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter to resist the survival threat posed by a controversial real estate deal.

Photo Courtesy of Garo Nalbandian.

The opening of the exhibition “My Home in Artsakh” at the National Museum-Institute of Architecture in Armenia. Attendees engage with exhibits showcasing personal stories and photographs, providing a glimpse into the lives of Karabakh refugees.

Photo Courtesy of Ani Gevorgyan.


Armenia Suspends Participation in Russia-Led Regional Military Alliance

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Calls Grow in Armenia for Russians to Relinquish Control of Borders
By Denis Leven

A senior Armenian official wants Russian border guards to leave the Zvartnots Airport near Yerevan as it has been “proven several times they do not protect” the national border.

France, Armenia Hail Military Ties Amid Russia Tensions
By Laura Kayali and Gabriel Gavin

France wants Armenia to know it has its back — amid increased tensions with its neighbor Azerbaijan.

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European Commission Signals Potential Sanctions on Azerbaijan

The EU spokesperson discusses potential actions in response to Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia, including the possibility of sanctions.

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Putin Loses Grip on Member of his Military Alliance
By Gabriel Gavin, Politico

After more than two decades as part of a Moscow-led military alliance, Armenia has effectively suspended its membership as a result of a growing rift with Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Azerbaijan Ramping up Arms Purchases

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Armenia FM at UN Council: Baku aims to Keep Tension in the Region

Head of EUMA Markus Ritter Welcomes Delegation from German Legal Affairs Committee

Armenian National Assembly President Discusses the Return of the Armenian POWs with German Colleagues

During a meeting between Armenian National Assembly President Alen Simonyan and a German delegation led by Elisabeth Winkelmeier- Becker, the primary focus was on the issue of Armenian prisoners of war (POWs). Simonyan pointed out the repercussions of Azerbaijan’s aggressive stance and their hindrance in repatriating Armenian POWs.

EU Denies Azerbaijan’s Accusations Against Monitoring Mission in Armenia

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Small Ties Bring Great Opportunities
By Christine Arakelian and Michael Rubin

The age when the United States can rest on its laurels is over. It cannot take small nations for granted. Rather than view the cultivation of ties with buffers like Armenia as a distraction from more pressing security problems, a wiser policy would recognize that small investments in democratic, Western-leaning countries like Armenia can pay huge diplomatic, security, and economic dividends.

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Azerbaijan Criticizes Armenia’s Military Acquisitions As Baku Bolsters Armed Forces With Sophisticated Turkish Akinci Drones
By Paul Iddon

The Akinci is the most advanced drone Azerbaijan has procured to date and is another testament to the close military ties between Baku and Ankara.

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Catholic Armenian Prisoner Sends Open Letter to Pope Francis
By Uzay Bulut and Luciana Minassian

Sujyan, Davtyan and other Armenian prisoners in Azerbaijan are tortured for being Christian and Armenian. Governments across the world and international human rights organizations appear to abandon them and ignore their plight.

UK Criticised Over Apparent Call to Firms to Rebuild Disputed Areas of Azerbaijan
By Jillian Ambrose

Behind closed doors, the UK government is calling Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh a ‘great opportunity’. What century are these officials living in?

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Saving Armenia: A Personal Encounter
By Fr. Benedict Kiely

Despite all the pious talk about helping Ukraine, it seems that the asset-poor but culturally rich Christian nation of Armenia must fend for itself.

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How Azerbaijan Deceives and Harasses the International Community
By Sossi Tatikyan

Azerbaijan neutralized the strong reaction of the EU and U.S. to its actions, in contradiction to their values of human rights and democracy, by leveraging its role as a supplier of gas to the EU and its individual member countries.

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Armenian Catholics Under Attack…Again
By Kevin Hay

Some fear that Azerbaijan will now invade the southern portion of
Armenia — the Zangezur corridor — to link the two parts of
Also, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev recently threatened the
complete eradication of Armenia after Armenia suspended its involvement in the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

A Foreign War is Shaping the Race to Replace Adam Schiff. It’s not the One you Think
By Melanie Mason

“Armenian Americans just kind of look at that and say, ‘Why are we any less than our Ukrainian brothers or our Jewish brothers and sisters?’” he continued. “Why was Armenia kind of left out on its own?”